
open class MapperSerializer<I, O>(    base: KSerializer<I>,     serialize: (Encoder, O) -> I,     deserialize: (Decoder, I) -> O) : KSerializer<O> , DeserializationStrategy<O> , SerializationStrategy<O> (source)

Use this serializer when you have serializable type I and want to map it to some O in process of serialization/deserialization



Serializer for I


Will be used in serialize method to convert incoming O to I and serialize with base


Will be used in deserialize method to convert deserialized by base to O


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constructor(base: KSerializer<I>, serialize: (O) -> I, deserialize: (I) -> O)
constructor(base: KSerializer<I>, serialize: (Encoder, O) -> I, deserialize: (I) -> O)
constructor(base: KSerializer<I>, serialize: (O) -> I, deserialize: (Decoder, I) -> O)
constructor(base: KSerializer<I>, serialize: (Encoder, O) -> I, deserialize: (Decoder, I) -> O)


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open override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor


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open override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): O
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inline fun <I : Any, O> DeserializationStrategy<I>.mapDeserialization(noinline deserialize: (I) -> O): MapperDeserializationStrategy<I, O>

Will create MapperDeserializationStrategy to allow you to map I to O using deserialize lambda during deserialization process

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inline fun <I : Any, O> KSerializer<I>.mapFullSerialization(noinline serialize: (O) -> I, noinline deserialize: (I) -> O): MapperSerializer<I, O>

Will create MapperSerializer to allow you to map O to I and vice verse using serialize/deserialize lambda during serialization/deserialization process

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inline fun <I : Any, O> SerializationStrategy<I>.mapSerialization(noinline serialize: (O) -> I): MapperSerializationStrategy<I, O>

Will create MapperSerializationStrategy to allow you to map O to I using serialize lambda during serialization process

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open override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: O)